Hematologic Disorders
Lawrence Weiss, M.D.
June 7, 2009
8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Westin Hotel South Coast Plaza
686 Anton Boulevard
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
(714)540-2500; Fax (714)662-6695
At the conclusion of this seminar, attendees will have up-to-date criteria for diagnosing neoplasms of the hematolymphoid system, both within lymph nodes and at extranodal sites. The proper use of ancillary studies will be illustrated, and the importance of the integration of morphologic, immunohistochemical, and molecular data will be stressed. They will know how to apply the 2001 WHO system to accurately classify these neoplasms. In addition, they will be made aware of recent advances in our understanding of hematolymphoid neoplasms.